Monday, July 02, 2007

That thing called Intution

intuition: ability to sense or know immediately without reasoning..??

So,when some of us make decisions, whatever be the social and environmental circumstance or conditions, the results are the same. As expected, and as anticipated, in the last moment, history repeats.

Learning from mistakes, he then, takes an oath, in name of God, fire, water or whatever super natural power he believes in, waits for the next chance, and if he is lucky, "this time" will have "some" differences from last time.

Yes, this thing resides in every ones mind, hidden, sometimes disguised. And as we go for the most obvious, logic choice, there is this stream of thought, which suddenly pops out from thin air, pokes its nose in every irrelevant and relevant matters, guiding ones life through a path, only known to no one.

By the time you know you had a bad intuition, Its already late.

If you are lucky,You are not too late.

Waiting for my first (good) intuition.

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