Friday, August 31, 2007

The Countdown

Yes, I have a lab of my own and i do have some interesting equipments and experiments running. Poeple find it difficult to understand them, but its their problem, not mine.

It has been some time since i wanted to start a countdown.

The control panel i have designed seemed to be too complex. It was crowded with switches of different dimensions and shapes. One press of a wrong button, and the world would explode. But never mind, i have been pressing the wrong buttons, and i am sort of used to it..

The lab was psychedelic, and thin grey smoke from the tranformers filled in the air. A faint red warning light kept flickering, crying about the lack of fuel. The white board was filled with calculations, all of them proved to be wrong.

And in through all these, the machine i finally built stood upright, staring its metal eyes at me, asking me as to the delay to activate it.

A press of the shiny, red button and the countdown to activate it would begin.
A soft touch of my index finger on the button gave me shivers. The face on the computer screen seemed to be restless. The face was a replica of mine, created by myself, programmed with the indegenious state of the art artificial Intelligence algorithm. The face which has been asking me to do things, all these days. A face, which never seemed to tell a lie. A face, who helped me build up my machine.

Staring back at the face, it occured to me..
That the countdown have already started, long time before..

long twenty seven years back,
since the moment,
i was conceived!!


Shruthi Joseph said...

But never mind, i have been pressing the wrong buttons, and i am sort of used to it.....

Hmmmm, now since you know tha you have hit the wrong ones, go for the correct ones now..... Learn from the past mistakes( wrong buttons), and hope for the brighter furture (red, warning buttons)

Aisibi said...

I like the last paragraph.. It has a rush to it..the shivers me timberssss feeling.. but the other part of it? Im totally blinkified :)